Thursday, March 10, 2011

She Speaks Scholarship

She Speaks Conference
God uses the least of these…

I’m beginning to see the wisdom in God’s timing... (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Now, I’m evolving into a wife of noble character who opens my arms to the poor and extends my hands to the needy. However, I also seek to speak with wisdom and faithful instruction on my tongue at all times, especially during times of outreach. Thankfully, Proverbs 31 Ministries can help me at their upcoming She Speaks Conference, July 22-24, 2011, with a scholarship opportunity, that has been offered for women who are called to write, speak and/or lead other women for ministry. I have chosen to enter the contest because it provides an opportunity for me to better serve others along my journey.

The expressions of my sympathy and compassion to help those in need were birthed through a personal experience that I share in a publication entitled, Bringing Forth Virtue. I realize that writing provides an opportunity for women to hear God’s voice one story at a time. I desire to encourage others through writing and inspirational keynotes to share their stories of faith with individuals who are suffering, and when we do, we grow in our own faith as well (Psalm 37:4). My prayer is for my readers to earnestly seek after God; to walk with God to their next places of promise and to awaken to their God-sized call in such a way that they begin to change the world.

Reflections of my life journey transpire from a young girl of selfish dreams into a Proverbs 31 woman who is clothed with strength and dignity to accomplish her God- ordained dream in EXCELLENCY with the help of Proverbs 31 Ministries (Proverbs 31:25). Thanks for your consideration!

God led me to use my recent publication, Bringing Forth Virtue, published in April 2010, as a tool to empower other women who are experiencing hardship or suffering with knowledge that they can overcome with the blood of the Lamb and the words of their testimony (Revelation 12:11). Hopefully, my readers will become motivated to share their triumphant testimony with others so that they may overcome and Bring Forth Virtue as well. My efforts first began at home writing, and sharing with those in my proximity, then the Lord led me to volunteer at the March of Dimes foundation to promote journaling exercises that lead to healing and restoration. Now, my efforts have begun to expand once more after my husband and I received our assignment from God upon concluding 21 days of prayer and fasting with our church during January, 2011. Excitingly, part of this assignment led me to volunteer at the Dream Center, in Birmingham, AL, a ministry of The Church of the Highlands. My heart is eager to extend hope and words of restoration to women who attend The Crisis Pregnancy Center onsite at the Dream Center.

Why…because God uses the least of these to bring forth his Glory and Virtue…reference, 2 Peter 1:3; Matthew 25:40.

Scholarship Candidate,

Ana Gilleylen

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A "Sweet Aroma" to the Lord!

This year, let’s celebrate the one who loved us first, this Valentine's Day!

What will you do to prepare? Initially, I thought of the usual ways to honor him, but when I read Ephesians 5:2 last night- it communicates that we should- “Walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us.” Let’s think about that as we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

The revelation was quite clear while reading my life principles yearly bible, which states, "True love reaches out! True love gives itself sacrificially!" This is what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross for our sins so that we would be reconciled unto God. Jesus was eager to obey His Father and when we follow His example we become a sweet aroma to the Lord demonstrating where the desires of our heart truly reside. A heart to fulfill his purpose in eager obedience!

The answer to part of our purpose is revealed in Colossians 1:28 (Amplified Bible)
(Share comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One).

Our obedience is a sweet aroma to the Lord, according to Leviticus 1:17, "It is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the Lord."

Enjoy Valentine's Day with your first true love!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Number your days Aright!

Psalm 90:12

So what if you awaken from a dream that you have lost your husband, your child or your grandchild? How you ask? Was it due to sickness, death, separation or divorce? Regardless, you find yourself meeting your new family. But….What did you learn from your prior lifestyle? Did you live a balanced life? Or… Were your priorities out of order? What is your life- focus today?

The revelation of the following scripture has awakened in my life, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." I welcome you to partake in the revelation of God's word that it may bring you new life as well. I obviously become awe struck upon receiving a true revelation from God. The mere thought of grasping that my imperfect happy life as I know it among my immediate family members can literally change at any moment- has helped me to wisely consider reevaluating certain standards or priorities that I, or my family has in place.

Sure, I have had the understanding in knowing that my life can change… However, receiving this revelation from God helps me to better understand how to apply my prior knowledge about family, with the ability to add wisdom, to improve our quality of life without regrets. Let me ask you a question, "How would you live life if you knew that you only had a short amount of time left on earth to spend with your family?" Despite the limited amount of time left whether two days, two weeks, two months, or two years, it's the quality of balanced time that you live out your life with your family that truly matters in a lifetime.

For example, I can't get so caught up in perfection, working, and providing for my family, that I miss out on opportunities to first focus on my personal relationship with God, being a creative counterpart for my husband, enjoying and rightfully teaching my children, and so on…The order matters!

I refuse to awaken to a life of regrets…I choose to live a purposeful life today as a servant to please the heart of God, a wife, a mom, and a life changer! How about you?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Journey of Spiritual Maturity

As the New Year unravels itself into the epitome of nature itself I regain consciousness to begin writing again; indulging myself into the womb of grace for taking my hand again toward Destin's design. So how is your outlook as we continue moving forward in the New Year? Hhmmmm….Well, I wonder what the year beholds….

Although, AWAKENED from a previous spiritual slumber, I'm learning to consistently remain awakened through a vital spiritual relationship that I maintain with Jesus Christ…Delighting myself in the Lord and reaping the rewards of all His benefits… (Psalm 37:4..Psalm 103). I'm elated about our adventure! My admiration of Him as my first true love has overflowed into the New Year (Matthew 22:37-38)! This adventure has truly been the journey of a lifetime…..

I remember ever so clearly the day when my life truly awakened to His spirit. The amazement and excitement of my new nature bubbled over into such a JOY, love and peace that I had never experienced prior to that moment! I look forward to beholding that cherished memory and more throughout this New Year! Join me along the journey of spiritual maturity and let's tell the world about the marvelous works Jesus has done!